I chose the Early Childhood Australia website for this assignment. Early childhood Australia is an organization said to be the equivalent to NAEYC where their focus is on the topics of "advocacy, influencing many significant issues relevant to the care, wellbeing and education of young children in Australia" (http://www.earlychildhoodaustralia.org.au).
Insights I earned about this organization is that they have a branch in every state and territory that "help identify issues and priorities for state and national action, and influence policies concerning young children" (http://www.earlychildhoodaustralia.org.au). They also have a Early Learning Matters week that was started in 2018, this week raises awareness of the role of early childhood education and care in children’s development and wellbeing in Australia.
Noteworthy information about the organization is there are ways in which one could become a member suitable for them such as from the aspect of a student, professional or an institution. Each membership comes with exclusive information about ECA, discounts and benefits.