Saturday, November 14, 2020


  1. Hi
    You have a beautiful family.
    To build lasting connections, we must be positive. Negativity only brings on more challenging situations. Whenever we are confronted with negative behavior, it is best to try to be understanding of the person's needs. I can only imagine the trying times of being apart from your spouse and raising the children as they may not fully understand the family's dynamics at that time. However, with love and consistent communication in knowing that you all are a united front, the family can conquer anything.

  2. Your family is beautiful, 10 years of marriage congrats! Communicating is the most important key, I agree. Being able to talk about disagreements is important to maintain a healthy relationship. Great post!

  3. Children’s relationships with their parents, siblings and wider family, and then of course their peers and other adults such as teachers are incredibly important. Whilst they can have a very positive impact on our mental health and wellbeing, when they aren’t good they can have a very negative impact on us. I loved how you talked about communication. That is an important factor in every relationship.
