Saturday, March 6, 2021

International learning and My Development



  1. I agree this course I have learned so much about the issues and struggles internationally. Great post!

  2. Teachers hold the key to a different future than what their students could have imagined. In a generation where the youth are often ostracized, teachers can be the inspiration to teach the students more than what they can read in a book. Teachers become mentors, role models, and dream keepers. International students who study education can help a generation of students to become mentors, role models and dream keepers themselves.

  3. I also want to become more of an advocate for the field. It's something so important to me because in the end it benefits the children that we are working with more than anything. This course has been great in helping me realize where I need to spearhead my efforts.

    Thanks for sharing!

  4. If nothing else, we all have learned how important it is to be a true advocate for our students, families we serve, the communities we work in, and for ourselves. We have the power to make a dramatic change in our field. Continue to shine your light on our ever-changing field.
