Monday, June 15, 2020

My Favorite Childhood Book...

My favorite childhood book was Aesop's Fables. This book is a classic collection of short stories, using mainly animals to capture young readers attention while teaching real life lessons. This book was my favorite because it had many stories to choose from and for my younger self no one night was ever the same. My father would read these stories to me as a child and once I became an adult and a mother, I bought this book to pass along to my own children (Hints me holding the book in the picture). I definitely recommend this book for my early childhood educators and families alike.          Happy Reading...


  1. I come from a large military family, seven children. I can remember my parents reading various stories from Aesop's Fables as a way of building character traits in us children. I can also remember how I wished some of the stories would have ended in a little more detail. I called my mom to see if she still had this book, I'm sure she does because books are sacred to her. Once it is safe to visit again I will have to make a trip to her house to find the book. Until then there is always Amazon. Thank you for reminding me of childhood memory.

  2. Annierose,

    Thank you for sharing your posts. It brought back so many memories. Aesop Fables was also a child favorite of mine. As a child, my parents were incredibly involved in our education, therefore being able to read, retain and articulate what we read was a must. To continue our learning at home, my siblings and I would choose our favorite story, write it word for word, answer a few questions, and share our stories with each other. While this may not sound like much fun, I remember literally losing myself in every story. While I may not be the avid reader I once was as a child, I enjoyed sharing my favorite children stories and books with my own children as well as the children in my programs over the years. Still today, when I am at home and need to get away from all the commotion, you may just find me tucked away in my quiet place reading my favorite childhood fable.

  3. Tunji and Nicole, I am so happy that this book brought back good memories and childhood for you both. I think it is important for us to revisit our youth sometimes. Thank you for sharing your stories with me.
