Saturday, September 19, 2020


  1. Annierose,
    I almost got frustrated and gave up trying to nurse my daughter. The lactation nurse and I were not on the same page at all. Thankful my sister was there. She had breastfeed all five of her children and was able to walk me through the process. Support for new breastfeeding mothers is so important for new mothers. I also like the facts you posted about other countries and cultures. I never thought of breastfeeding as a spiritual act but in retrospect, I guess it is.

  2. Awesome,that you got educated and was successful with breastfeeding. I breastfeed all six of my children. Breastfeeding easy to me until I had the twins. I found it very hard trying to pump and feed both of the babies. I was not able to do it long with the twins. It is amazing that you lasted so long with you baby.

  3. Annierose,
    I love how educated you are on the subject of breastfeeding. It gives women like me hope to know I can eventually do it one day. I love how breast milk provides optimal nutrition for babies. It has the right amount of nutrients, is easily digested, and is readily available.
    -Jade Cobb
