Sunday, January 24, 2021

Sharing Web Resources


  1. I also discussed the virus in my blog post this week. It's a rather large issue across the ECE field and around the world when discussing anything to do with youth. I think it's amazing that they have sub sources that can help understand what the best thing to do during a crisis like this is. Thank you so much for sharing this valuable resource !

  2. Zero to Three is an organization that I am familiar with as well. They offer great opportunities for educators and families to learn, and they provide access to resources to help families. Great post!

  3. I am familiar with this organization and it was referenced a lot in my undergrad. studies. I feel resources like this organization and others should be shared with first time parents at prenatal visit as well as those frequent doctor visits after the baby is born. I feel it will eliminate the stress for new parents and even repeat parents. There is not a how to book on raising children but at least this organization offers support and resources for the early stages.
